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AWS Developer Course

(3789 reviews)
AWS Developer
Master Training

Total Enrolled


Batches Completed


Skilled Instructors



Our AWS Developer Training Program has been designed by our AWS Consultant Experts Team so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, Concepts & Assignments in a simple way. We will walk you step-by-step into the World of AWS Developer Program. With our AWS Developer Training, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative AWS Developer Program.

Why to Choose Us:

  • Live Project based Training
  • Easy to Understand Study Material
  • Verifiable Certification
  • 100% Job Assistance Program
  • Certified & Experienced Trainers
  • Content as per Industry Standards


  • • Basic Programming Skills & Scripting is Required
  • • Graduation is Recommended
  • • Course assumes no previous experience


  • 28 Modules • 40-42 Hours Course Duration

Course Introduction - AWS Certified Developer Associate

Create your AWS Account

AWS Cloud Overview

Tour of the AWS Console & Services in AWS

About the UI changes in the course

IAM Introduction: Users, Groups, Policies

IAM Users & Groups Hands On

IAM Policies

IAM MFA Overview

AWS Access Keys, CLI and SDK

AWS CLI Setup on Windows

AWS CLI Setup on Mac OS X

AWS CLI Setup on Linux

AWS CloudShell: Region Availability

AWS CloudShell

IAM Roles for AWS Services

IAM Security Tools

IAM Best Practices

IAM Summary

EC2 Fundamentals

EC2 Basics

Create an EC2 Instance with EC2 User Data to have a Website Hands On

EC2 Instance Types Basics

Security Groups & Classic Ports Overview

Security Groups Hands On

SSH Overview

How to SSH using Linux or Mac

How to SSH using Windows

How to SSH using Windows 10

EC2 Instance Connect

EC2 Instance Roles Demo

EC2 Instance Purchasing Options

EBS Overview

EBS Snapshots

AMI Overview

AMI Hands On

EC2 Instance Store

EBS Volume Types

EBS Multi-Attach

Amazon EFS


EBS & EFS - Section Cleanup

High Availability and Scalability

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Overview

Classic Load Balancer (CLB)

Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Network Load Balancer (NLB)

Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)

Elastic Load Balancer - Sticky Sessions

Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates

Elastic Load Balancer - Connection Draining

Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) Overview

Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies

Amazon RDS Overview

RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ

Amazon RDS Hands On

RDS Encryption + Security

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora - Hands On

ElastiCache Overview

ElastiCache Hands On

ElastiCache Strategies

ElastiCache Redis Cluster Modes

What is a DNS?

Route 53 Overview

Route 53 - Registering a domain

Route 53 - Creating our first records

Route 53 - EC2 Setup

Route 53 - TTL

Route 53 CNAME vs Alias

Routing Policy - Simple

Routing Policy - Weighted

Routing Policy - Latency

Route 53 Health Checks

Routing Policy - Failover

Routing Policy - Geolocation

Routing Policy - Geoproximity

Routing Policy - Multi Value

3rd Party Domains & Route 53

Route 53 - Section Cleanup

VPC Fundamentals - Section Introduction

VPC, Subnets, IGW and NAT

NACL, SG, VPC Flow Logs

VPC Peering, Endpoints, VPN, DX

VPC Cheat Sheet & Closing Comments

Three Tier Architecture

Amazon S3 - Section Introduction

S3 Buckets and Objects

S3 Versioning

S3 Versioning - Hands On

S3 Encryption

S3 Encryption - Hands On

S3 Security & Bucket Policies

S3 Bucket Policies Hands On

S3 Websites


S3 CORS Hands On

S3 Consistency Model

IAM Roles and Policies Hands On

AWS Policy Simulator



AWS EC2 Instance Metadata

AWS CLI Profiles


AWS SDK Overview

Exponential Backoff & Service Limit Increase

AWS Credentials Provider & Chain

AWS Signature v4 Signing

S3 MFA Delete

S3 Default Encryption

S3 Access Logs

S3 Replication (Cross Region and Same Region)

S3 Replication - Hands On

S3 Pre-signed URLs

S3 Pre-signed URLs - Hands On

S3 Storage Classes + Glacier

S3 Storage Classes + Glacier - Hands On

S3 Lifecycle Rules

AS3 Lifecycle Rules - Hands On

S3 Performance

S3 & Glacier Select

S3 Event Notifications

Athena Overview

Athena Hands On

CloudFront - Overview

CloudFront Caching & Caching Invalidations - Hands On

CloudFront Caching & Invalidations Hand On

CloudFront Security

CloudFront Signed URL / Cookies

CloudFront Signed URL - Key Groups + Hands On

CloudFront Advanced Concepts

Docker Introduction

Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS - Auto Scaling

Amazon ECS - Rolling Updates

Amazon ECS - Solutions Architectures

Amazon ECS Task Definitions - Deep Dive

Amazon ECS - Task Placements

Amazon ECR

Amazon EKS

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Section Introduction

Elastic Beanstalk Overview (High level)

Elastic Beanstalk Overview (High level)

Beanstalk Second Environment

Beanstalk Deployment Modes

Beanstalk CLI and Deployment Process

Beanstalk Lifecycle Policy Overview + Hands On

Beanstalk Extensions

Beanstalk & Cloud Formation

Beanstalk Cloning

Beanstalk Migrations

Beanstalk Migrations

Beanstalk Advanced Concepts

Beanstalk Cleanup

AWS CICD - Section Introduction

Introduction to CICD in AWS

CodeCommit Overview

CodeCommit Hands On

CodePipeline Overview

CodePipeline Hands On

CodeBuild Overview

CodeBuild Hands On

CodeDeploy Overview

CodeDeploy Hands On

CodeDeploy for EC2 and ASG

AWS CloudFormation - Section Introduction


YAML Crash Course

CloudFormation Resources

CloudFormation Parameters

CloudFormation Mappings

CloudFormation Outputs

CloudFormation Conditions

CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions

CloudFormation Rollbacks

CloudFormation ChangeSets, Nested Stacks & StackSet

CloudFormation Drift

AWS Monitoring - Section Introduction

Monitoring Overview in AWS

CloudWatch Metrics

CloudWatch Custom Metrics

CloudWatch Logs

CloudWatch Logs Hands On

CloudWatch Agent & CloudWatch Logs Agent

CloudWatch Logs Metric Filters

CloudWatch Alarms

CloudWatch Alarms Hands On

CloudWatch Events

Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge - Hands On

X-Ray Overview

X-Ray Hands On

X-Ray: Instrumentation and Concepts

X-Ray: Sampling Rules

X-Ray APIs

X-Ray with Beanstalk

X-Ray & ECS


CloudTrail Hands On

CloudTrail vs CloudWatch vs X-Ray

AWS Quick Clean-Up

AWS Integration & Messaging - Section Introduction

Introduction to Messaging

Amazon SQS - Standard Queues Overview

SQS - Standard Queue Hands On

SQS Queue Access Policy

SQS - Message Visibility Timeout

SQS - Dead Letter Queues

SQS - Delay Queues

SQS - Certified Developer concepts

SQS - FIFO Queues

SQS - FIFO Queues Advanced

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS and SQS - Fan Out Pattern

Kinesis Overview

Kinesis Data Streams Overview

Kinesis Producers

Kinesis Consumers

Kinesis Data Streams Hands On

Kinesis Client Library

Kinesis Operations

Kinesis Data Firehose Overview

Kinesis Data Firehose Hands On

Kinesis Data Analytics

SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis

Data Ordering for Kinesis vs SQS FIFO

AWS Lambda - Section Introduction

Serverless Introduction

AWS Lambda Overview

Lambda Synchronous Invocations

Lambda & Application Load Balancer

AWS Lambda@Edge Overview

Lambda Asynchronous Invocations & DLQ

Lambda & CloudWatch Events / EventBridge

Lambda & S3 Event Notifications

Lambda Event Source Mapping

Lambda Event Source Mapping Hands On (SQS)

Lambda Destinations

Lambda Permissions - IAM Roles & Resource Policies

Lambda Environment Variables

Lambda Monitoring & X-Ray Tracing

Lambda in VPC

Lambda Function Performance

Lambda Concurrency

Lambda External Dependencies

Lambda and CloudFormation

Lambda Layers

Lambda Container Images

Lambda Versions and Aliases

Lambda and CodeDeploy

Lambda Limits

Lambda Best Practices

DynamoDB - Section Introduction

DynamoDB Overview

DynamoDB Basics - Hands On

DynamoDB WCU & RCU - Throughput

DynamoDB WCU & RCU - Hands On

DynamoDB Basic APIs

DynamoDB Basic APIs - Hands On

DynamoDB Indexes (GSI + LSI)

DynamoDB Indexes (GSI + LSI)- Hands On

DynamoDB PartiQL

DynamoDB Optimistic Locking

DynamoDB DAX

DynamoDB DAX - Hands On

DynamoDB Streams

DynamoDB Streams - Hands On

DynamoDB TTL

DynamoDB CLI

DynamoDB Transactions

DynamoDB Session State

DynamoDB Partitioning Strategies

DynamoDB Conditional Writes, Concurrent Writes & Atomic Writes

DynamoDB Patterns with S3

DynamoDB Operations

DynamoDB Security & Other

API Gateway - Section Introduction

AWS API Gateway Overview

API Gateway Basics Hands On

API Gateway Stages and Deployment

API Gateway Stages Configurations Hands On

API Gateway Canary Deployments

API Gateway Integration Types & Mappings

API Gateway Mapping Templates Hands On

API Gateway Swagger & Open API 3.0

API Gateway Caching

API Gateway Usage Plans & API Keys

API Gateway Monitoring, Logging and Tracing

API Gateway CORS & Hands On

API Gateway Authentication and Authorization


API Gateway Websocket API

API Gateway - Architecture

CDK Overview

CDK Hands On

Cognito Overview

Cognito User Pools

Cognito User Pools Hands On

Cognito User Pools - Others

Cognito Identity Pools

Cognito Identity Pools Hands On

Cognito User Pools vs Cognito Identity Pools

Cognito Sync

Step Functions Overview

Step Functions - Hands On

Step Functions - Error Handling

Step Functions - Error Handling Hands On

Step Functions - Standard vs Express

AppSync Overview

AppSync Hands On

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify - Hands On

STS Overview

Advanced IAM

Granting a User Permissions to Pass a Role to an AWS Service

AWS Directory Services

AWS Security - Section Introduction

Encryption 101

KMS Overview

KMS Hands On w/ CLI

KMS Encryption Patterns and Envelope Encryption

Encryption SDK CLI Hands On

KMS Limits

KMS and AWS Lambda Practice

S3 Security Advanced

S3 Bucket Key

SSM Parameter Store Overview

SSM Parameter Store Hands On (CLI)

SSM Parameter Store Hands On (AWS Lambda)

Secrets Manager - Overview

Secrets Manager - Hands On

SSM Parameter Store vs Secrets Manager

CloudWatch Logs Encryption

CodeBuild Security

Projects And Interviews

Project Work

Resume Prepration

Interview Question Preparation

Student Feedback


5785 Rating

Latest Reviews

techvidya student reviews
Sotapdi Kunda
55 min ago

Very clean and organized with easy to follow tutorials, Exercises, and solutions. The training does start from the beginning with very little knowledge and gives a great overview and progresses into more complex concepts and ideas.

techvidya student reviews
45 min ago

The training is good at explaining very basic intuition of the concepts. It will get you scratching the surface so to say, where this course is unique is the implementation methods are so well defined, Thank you to the team !.

techvidya student reviews
Rajeev Aggarwal
30 min ago

This course is amazing..! I started course as a beginner and learnt a lot. Instructors are great. Query handling can be improved.Overall very happy with the course.

AWS Developer training
AWS Developer Training Program
  • Level
  • Modules
    28 Modules
  • Duration
    40-42 Hours
  • Category
  • Language
  • Placement Assistance
  • Certificate
  • Resource

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AWS Developer Training Options

Whether you're looking for AWS Developer Training, start your next journey with India's Best IT & Software Training Edtech Company @TechVidya -- we have a plan for you.

AWS Developer

Self Paced Training

AWS Developer Course

  • Video and e-Content
  • Final Assessment
  • Certification
Choose plan

AWS Developer

Offline Training

AWS Developer Course

  • Classroom Training
  • Projects/Assignments
  • Mock Interview
  • Final Assessment
  • Certification
  • Placement Assistance
Choose plan

AWS Developer

Online Training

AWS Developer Course

  • Live Instructor Based
  • Projects/Assignments
  • Mock Interview
  • Final Assessment
  • Certification
  • Placement Assistance
Choose plan

AWS Developer

Corporate Training

AWS Developer Course

  • Customize Content
  • Flexible Timings
  • Onsite Training
  • Experienced Trainers
  • Increase Productivity
  • Skill Assessment
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Upcoming Batches

25 July 24

AWS Developer Training

04:00 PM Offline | Weekdays
27 July 24

AWS Developer Training

08:00 PM Online | Weekend
29 July 24

AWS Developer Training

10:00 AM Online | Weekdays

How to Start Your Professional Journey

01. Learn from Industry Experts

TechVidya is ISO 9001:2015 Accredited Edtech Company, trained more than 68806+ students all across the world. We have team of 470+ Experienced & Certified Instructors.

02. Live Project Based Training

Complete IT & Software Training provided by Techvidya is designed as per the Industrial Requirement with Live Projects. Every topic covered is in most practical way with real-time examples.

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01. Industry Recognised Certification

TechVidya offers a wide range of IT & Software Certifications designed to take your career to the next level. Candidate can gain access to multiple placement opportunities by opting our Certification.

02. Verifiable Certificate

TechVidya provides Globally Recognized Course Completion Certificate which can be verifiable at techvidya official website. TechVidya Verifiable Certification helps to achieve your dream jobs.

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01. PD, Resume Making & Mock Interview

We help our students to get a foothold in the corporate world by providing Practical based Training including Personality Development, Resume Making & Mock Interviews Sessions.

02. Dedicated Placement Department

Our Placement Department help candidates to present themselves confidently at the time of actual interview. We provide placement assistance to our students with the help of dedicated placement cell.

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Upgrade Yourself, 68806+ Students Trained. Enquire Now!

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Recent Placement

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Ms Aditi Soni

Telecon Systems
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Mr. Soban Singh

Dabur India
TechVidya Placement

Ms Habiba

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Mr. Manoj

TechVidya Placement

Mr. Shivam

Telecon Systems

Our Hiring Partners

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Career Assistance Services

PD Sessions & Resume Writing

Throughout the Course

Mock Interview Preparations

After 80% Course

Final Interview Line-up Process

After 90% Course

One Year Placement Assistance

After 100% Course

Learn from Industry Experts. Enquire Now!

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An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest.


Get 360 Degree Placement Assistance with Us

Expand your career opportunities with India's most trusted IT & Software Training Institute @TechVidya. Get job-ready for an in-demand career with our 360 degree placement assistance program. Choose from Multiple certification programs with us.

  • Online LMS Login Access
  • Online Job Portal Access
  • Assignments & Capstone Projects
  • Resume Making & Interview Preparation
  • Dedicated Placement Department

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